The Value of Thanking Employees
Did you know that over 85% of employees say they never hear the words “Thank You”? Disengaged employees sap your bottom-line profits. Star Performers can rapidly lose hope and give up trying. See why thanking your employees is so important, they’re two little words that can make a big difference in your company!
The Power of Positive Reinforcement
“Wow, what a great message and workshop! For us, the power of positive reinforcement to change behaviors applies to 3 key initiatives, Safety, Customer Service, and Loss Prevention. Our Managers left your workshop with the tools needed to start changing the behaviors at their locations. We heard nothing but great things from our Managers about your workshop and truly appreciate your time spent with us. ” – HR Manager
I Make A Difference
Your advice really works!
Thanks for the advice on how to use positive reinforcement with my kids and their allowance. I’ve just started using your suggestion to pay and praise them immediately for the chores they do. My 11-year-old son folded all the laundry last night, and I’ve never seen them actually excited about taking the trash out. Your advice really works!
Safety Pays
From a Webinar Attendee:
I worked for a electric utility several years ago. We had a mechanic who would not wear his safety glasses in the plant. After several warnings he still would not comply. One day I was walking through the shop and noticed that he was beginning to weld so I took his welding helmet and told him that he did not need it to weld. Read the rest of this entry »